Demonizing the Queen of Sheba: boundaries of gender and culture in postbiblical Judaism and medieval Islam. (Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism)
- Lassner, Jacob
- U. of Chicago Press
- xv,281p
- 1993
- Islam -- Relations -- Judaism -- Islamic literature Shows how Jewish and Muslim writers transformed the biblical Queen of Sheba from a clever, politically astute sovereign to a demonic force threatening gender boundries. Successive retellings of the biblical story reveal anxieties about gender and illuminate cultural transmission.
Majmu'ah al-Watha'iq al-Siyasiyah lil-'ahd al-nabawi wa al-khilafat al-rashidah.
- Hamid Allah, Muhammad
- Dar al-Nafa'is
- 757p
- 2001 repr.
- Islamic Empire -- History -- Sources مجموعة الوثائق السياسية في العهد النبوي والخلافة الراشدة جمعها محمد حميدالله Majmūʻat al-wathāʼiq al-siyāsīyah fī al-ʻahd al-nabawī wa-al-khilāfah al-rāshidah jamaʻahā Muḥammad Hamīd Allāh [Documents sur la diplomatie musulmane à l'époque du prophète et des khalifes orthodoxes]
Caliphate and Sultanate in Medieval Persia.
- Siddiqi, Amir Hasan
- Porcupine Press
- 120p
- 1977(1935-37)
- Abbasids -- Iran -- History -- 640- Reprint of articles from vols. 9-11 of Islamic culture, Hyderabad, 1935-1937
Tarikh Darya, wa man nazala bi-ha al-sahabah wa al-tabi'in wa tabi'i al-tabi'in ed. by S. al-Afghani
- al-Khulani, 'Abd al-Jabbar
- Dar al-Fikr
- 147p
- 1984(75)
- Muḥammad, -632 -- Friends and associates -- Daryā, Syria -- History تاريخ داريا و من نزل بها من الصحابة و الطابعين و طتابعي التابعين لعبد الجبار الخولاني Tārīkh Dāryā wa-man nazala bi-hā min al-ṣaḥābah wa-al-tābiʻīn wa-tābiʻī al-tābiʻīn li ʻAbd al-Jabbār al-Khūlānī ; ḥaqqaqahu wa-qadama lah Saʻīd al-Afghānī
Tarikh al-Adab al-Jughrafi al-'Arabi. tr. & ed. by S.D. 'Uthman Hashim
- Kratchkovsky, Ignati I.
- Dar al-Gharb al-Islami
- 1114p
- 1987
- Geography -- Middle East تاريخ الأدب الجغرافي العربي كراتشوفسكى, اغناطيوس يوليانوفتش Tārīkh al-adab al-jughrāfī al-ʻArabī Aghnāṭiyūs Yūliyānūvitsh Krātishkūviskī ; naqalahu ʻan al-Rūsīyah Ṣālāḥ al-Dīn ʻUthmān Hāshim [Istoria arabskoi geograficheskoi literatury, 1957]
The Origins of the Islamic State; being a translation of Kitab Futuh al-Buldan. tr. by Philip Khuri Hitti
- Al-Baladhuri, Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Jabir
- Gorgias Press
- xi,518p
- 2002 repr.(1916)
- Islamic Empire -- History The origins of the Islamic state : being a translation from the Arabic, accompanied with annotations, geographic and historic notes of the Kitâb futûḥ al-buldân of al-Imâm Abu-l ʻAbbâs, Aḥmad ibn-Jâbir al-Balâdhuri Kitâb futûh al-buldân Part I - Arabia II - Syria III - Mesopotamia IV - Armenia V - Northern Africa VI - Andalusia VII - Islands in the Sea VIII - Nubia IX - Al-'Irāk and Persia X - Media (Al-Jibāl)
Ancient South Arabia: from the Queen of Sheba to the advent of Islam.
- Schippmann, Klaus
- Markus Wiener
- 181p
- 2002(1998)
- South Arabia -- History At the crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe, the South Arabian kingdoms were major commercial, military, and cultural players in world history. This work covers topics such as their art and architecture, and their irrigation system. Klaus Schippmann ; transl. from german by Allison Brown
Translations of the Travel Accounts of Sulaiman at-Tagir (1st half 9th cent.) and Abu Zaid as-Sirafi (1st half 10th cent.) (Islamic Gepgraphy, v. 165)
- Sezgin, Fuat (collected)
- Inst. for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science
- 346p
- 1994 repr.
- Geography -- China -- India -- Description and travel Translations of the travel accounts of Sulaimān at-Tāǧir (1st half 9th cent.) and Abū Zaid as-Sīrāfī (1st half 10th cent.)/ collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin
Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. (Khayyats Oriental Reprints, no. 3)
- Hourani, George F.
- Khayyats
- viii,131p 古書
- 1963(51)
- Navigation -- Commerce -- Indian Ocean -- History Chapter I: Trade Routes in the Pre-Islamic Era Prehistory and geography The East before Alexander The Persian Gulf in Hellenistic and Roman times The Red Sea in Hellenistic and Roman times The Sassanid and Byzantine empires Appendix: Director sailing between the Perian Gulf and China in pre-Islamic times II: Trade routes under the Caliphate General consequence of the Islamic expansion The Arabs on the Mediterranean Persian and Arab sea trade with the Far East East Africa and the coasts of Arabia Later times III: The Ships General remarks Hull and their equipment Masts and sails Navigation and life at sea Appendix: Four sea-stories
Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. (The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 1)
- Harley, J.B. & D. Woodward (ed.)
- U. of Chicago Press
- xxiv,579p ills. 古書
- 1992
- Cartography -- Islamic civilization -- Middle East -- South Asia -- History PART ONE: Islamic Cartography Chapter 1. Introduction to Islamic Maps/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 2. Celestial Mapping/ Emilie Savage-Smith Chapter 3. Cosmographical Diagrams/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Early Geographical Mapping Chapter 4. The Beginnings of a Cartographic Tradition/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 5. The Balkhi School of Geographers/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 6. Later Cartographic Developments/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 7. Cartography of al-Sharif al-Idrisi/ S. Maqbul Ahmad Chapter 8. Geodesy/ Raymond P. Mercier Chapter 9. Qibla Charts, Qubla Maps, and Related Instruments/ David A. King and Richard P. Lorch Premodern Ottoman Geographical Mapping Chapter 10. Introduction to Ottoman Cartography/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 11. Military, Administrative, and Scholarly Maps and Plans/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 12. Itineraries and Town Views in Ottoman Histories/ J. M. Rogers Marine Charting Chapter 13. The Role of Charts in Islamic Navigation in the Indian Ocean/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 14. Islamic Charting in the Mediterranean/ Svat Soucek PART TWO: South Asian Cartography Chapter 15. Introduction to South Asian Cartography/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 16. Cosmographical Mapping/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 17. Geographical Mapping/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 18. Nautical Maps/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 19. Conclusion/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 20. Concluding Remarks/ J. B. Harley and David Woodward
Al-Iklil min Akhbar al-Yaman wa Ansab Himyar, al-kitab al-'ashir, fi ma'arif Hamdan wa al-ansab wa 'uyun akhbar-ha
- al-Hasan ibn Ahmad Hamdani
- al-Dar al-Yamaniyah
- 351p 古書
- 1987
- Arabs -- Yemen (Republic) -- Genealogy الإكليل من أخبار اليمن وأنساب حمير : الكتاب العاشر : في معارف همدان وأنسابها وعيون أخبرها تصنيف لسان اليمن أبي محمد الحسن بن أحمد بن يعقوب الهمداني al-Iklīl min akhbār al-Yaman wa-ansāb Ḥimyar : al-kitāb al- ʻāshar fī maʻārif Hamdān wa-ansābihā wa-ʻuyūn akhbārihā taṣnīf Lisān al-Yaman Abī Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaʻqūb al-Hamdānī ; ḥaqqaqahu wa-ʻallaqa ḥawāshīh Muḥibb al-Dīn al-Khaṭīb
South Arabian Hunt
- Serjeant, R. B.
- Luzac
- 143p ills. 古書
- 1974
- Hunting customs -- South Arabia -- Social life and custom -- Literature The ibex hunt in pagan southern Arabia had a ritual and religious aspect to it as a small group of inscriptions discovered in eastern Yemen and Hadramawt shows.
Tarikh al-Mawsil. ed. by Ahmad 'Abd Allah Mahmud
- Al-Azdi, Abu Zakariya bn Iyas (m. 334 h.)
- Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
- 2 vols.
- 2006
- Mosul (Iraq) -- History تاريخ الموصل تأليف أبي زكريا يزيد بن محمد بن إياس الأزدي Tārīkh al-Mawṣil taʼlīf Abī Zakarīyā Yazīd ibn Muḥammad ibn Iyās al-Azdī ; taḥqīq wa-takmilat Aḥmad ʻAbd Allāh Maḥmūd al-juzʼ 1. Sanat 16 H. -- sanat 244 H. al-juzʼ 2. Sanat 228 H. -- sanat 334 H.
Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs. Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs; 36)
- El Cheikh, Nadia Maria
- Harvard U.P.
- xi,271p
- 2004
- Arab countries -- Relations -- Byzantine Empire While the theme of 'the other' in the history of Arab-Byzantine relations has been sporadically and intermittently by the others and herself, it has now, with this publication received a panoramic treatment from the rise of Islam in the 7th century to the fall of Constantinople in 1454.
The Crisis of Muslim History: religion and politics in early Islam.
- Ayoub, Mahmoud M.
- Oneworld
- ix,179p
- 2003
- Islam and politics -- Islam -- History This detailed guide presents the key events, individuals and socio-political conditions which defined the era of the first Four Caliphs and which led to the Sunni/Shi'i schism and the Crisis of Succession.
Meccan Trade and Islam: problems of origin and structure. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica XXXII)
- Simon, Robert
- Akademiai Kiado
- 205p 古書
- 1989
- Mecca (Saudi Arabia) -- Commerce -- History This is the revised and enlarged English version of A mekkai kereskedelem kialakulasa es jellege Part One Chapter 1: Forerunners and rivals of Mecca in oriental trade Introduction Arabia and oriental trade in the 6th century Byzantium and Iran in oriental trade Yemen and oriental trade in the 6th century Kinda and Yemen Najran and Yemen Yemen after Abyssinian conquest Chapter 2: Hums and īlāf Mecca before hums and īlāf Organization of hums and īlāf Part Two Chapter 3: The nature of Meccan trade Internal organization of Meccan trade External factors determining Meccan trade Types of loval markets on the Arabian peninsula on the eve of Islam The nature of Meccan trade Appendix I: Who exchanged what for what in Mecca on the eve of Islam? Relation between Meccan trade and Muhammadan Islam Exchange operations in Mecca on the eve of Islam as depicted in some Koran passages Appendix 2: Comments on the ownership conditions of Muhammadan Islam Appendix 3: Some observations on the institution of mu'ākhāh: between tribalism and umma
Al-Isharah ila Sirat al-Mustafa wa Tarikh min ba'd-hu min Khulafa. ed. by Muhd. Nizam al-Din al-Futtayh
- Mughlatay Ibn Qalij (1290/92-1360/61)
- Dar al-Qalam/Al-Dar Shamiyah
- 655p 古書
- 1996
- Muḥammad, Prophet, -632 -- Caliphs -- Islamic Empire -- History الإشارة إلى سيرة المصطفى وتاريخ من بعده من الخلفا مغلطاي بن قليج al-Ishārah ilá sīrat al-Muṣṭafá wa-tārīkh min baʿdahu min al-khulafāʼ taṣnīf Mughalṭāy ibn Qalīj ; ḥaqqaqa nuṣūṣahā wa-kharrajahā wa-ʿallaqa ʿalayhā Muḥammad Niẓām al-Dīn al-Futayyiḥ
Bahjat al-Mahafil wa Bughyah al-Amathil fi talkhis al-mu'jizat wa al-siyar wa al-shama'il.
- Yaḥya ibn Abi Bakr al-ʻAmiri (1413/14-1487/88)(1413/14-1487/88)
- Dar Sadir
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- Muḥammad, -- Prophet, -632 -- Biography بهجة المحافل وبغية الامثال : في تلخيص المعجزات والسير والشمائل لعماد الدين يحيى بن أبي بكر العامري ؛ بشرح جمال الدين محمد الاشخر اليمني Bahjat al-maḥāfil wa-bughyat al-amthāl : fī talkhīṣ al-muʻjizāt wa-al-sayr wa-al-shamāʼil li-ʻImād al-Dīn Yaḥyá ibn Abī Bakr al-ʻĀmirī ; bi-sharḥ Jamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ashkhar al-Yamanī
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. tr. from the Arabic
- de Slane, Mac Guckin (tr.)
- Librairie du Liban
- 4 vols. 古書
- 1970 repr.
- Islamic Empire -- Muslim scholars -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Early works to 1800 Wafayāt al-aʻyān Ibn Khallikān ; translated by William MacGuckin de Slane Translation of: Wafayāt al-aʻyān; reprint of the edition published in Paris, 1842-43
The March from Medina: a revisionist study of the Arab conquests.
- Jandora, John W.
- The Kingston Press
- vi,155p
- 1990
- Islamic Empire -- History -- 622-661 This book provides a succinct account of the limits of knowledge about the circumstances behind the rapid Islamic expansion from Medina, including the Ridda Wars immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.