




Al-Asnaf wa al-Mihan fi 'Asr al-'Abbasi, nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha: bahth fi al-tanzimat al-hirafiyah fi al-mujtama' al-'arabi al-islami.

Al-Asnaf wa al-Mihan fi 'Asr al-'Abbasi, nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha:
  • Al-Shaykhli, Sabah
  • Al-Warraq/ al-Furat
  • 271p.
  • 2010 repr.
  • Guilds -- Handicraft -- Abbasids -- Islamic Empire الأصناف والمهن في العصر العباسي : نشأتها وتطورها : بحث في التنظيمات الحرفية في المجتمع العربي الإسلامي صباح إبراهيم سعيد الشيخلي al-Aṣnāf wa-al-mihan fī al-ʻaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī : nashʼatuhā wa-taṭawwuruhā : baḥth fī al-tanẓīmāt al-ḥirafīyah fī al-mujtamaʻ al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī Ṣabāḥ Ibrāhīm Saʻīd al-Shaykhlī Summary also in English



Wasaya al-Khulafa' wa al-Umara' al-Siyasiyah wa al-Idariyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal: dirasah tahliliyah.

Wasaya al-Khulafa' wa al-Umara' al-Siyasiyah wa al-Idariyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal:
  • Al-Hadithi, Muhd. Jasim
  • Matba'at al-Majma' al-'Ilmi
  • 314p.
  • 2002
  • Abbasids -- Caliphs -- Politics and government -- History -- Sources وصايا الخلفاء والأمراء السياسية والادارية في العصر العباسي الأول : دراسة تحليلية تأليف محمد جاسم الحديثي Waṣāyā al-khulafāʼ wa-al-umarāʼ al-siyāsīyah wa-al-idārīyah fī al-ʻAṣr al-ʻAbbāsī al-awwal : dirāsah taḥlīlīyah taʼlīf Muḥammad Jāsim al-Ḥadīthī Baghdād : Maṭbaʻat al-Majmaʻ al-ʻIlmī, 2002



Farhang-e Farsi: An intermediate Persian dictionary.

Farhang-e Farsi: An intermediate Persian dictionary.
  • Mo'in, Mohammed
  • Amir Kabir
  • 6 vols. (Rebound)
  • 1984
  • Persian language -- Dictionaries (فرهنگ فارسي (متوسط تأليف محمد معين Farhang-i Fārsī (mutavassiṭ) Muḥammad Muʻīn [An intermediate Persian dictionary : including a preface and three parts : vocabulary, foreign compound expressions, and proper names]



Safavid Iran and the Deccan Sultanates: diplomatic and cultural relations (14th to 17th century).

Safavid Iran and the Deccan Sultanates: diplomatic and cultural relations
  • Nayeem, Muhammad Abdul
  • Hyderabad Publishers
  • viii,200p facs., maps, photos.
  • 2017
  • Deccan (India) -- Safavid (Iran) -- History This is the first study of Safavid Iran's Diplomatic and Cultural Relations with the Decan Sultanates during the fourteenth to seventeenth century. The study of forteenth and fifteenth century forms the background for the Safavid period beginning from 1501. The study synthesizes the triangular nexus of Safavid Iran, Mughals and the Deccan. A unique and interesting aspect of the relationsis that founders of the three Deccan Sultanates - the Bahmanis, the Adil Shahis and the Qutb Shahi were of Iranian origin and were Shi'ihs, the vital link, between the Safavid Iran and the Deccan. I. Historical Framework - an outline II. Introduction III. Iran & the Bahmani Sultanate of Gulbarga-Bidar IV. Iran & the Adil Shahi Sultanate of Bijapur V. Iran & the Qutb Shahi Sultanate of Golconda-Hyderabad VI. Iran & the Nizam Shahi Sultanate of Ahmadnagar Appendices: Facsimiles of selected original Persian correspondences



Ibn Sa'd's Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir vol. 1 (2pts.) & 2 (2 pts.)

Ibn Sa'd's Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir
  • Haq, S, Moinul (tr.)
  • Kitab Bhavan
  • 2 vols. 古書
  • n.d. repr.
  • Muslims -- Biography English translation by S. Moinul Haq, assisted by H.K. Ghazanfar The first two volumes of the Tabaqat contains narrations dealing with the life of Prophet Muhammad



Sharh 'Aqidat Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah: al-'Aqidah al-Tahawiyah li-Abi Ja'far Ahmad ibn Muhd. ibn Salamah al-Tahawi, 321 H. ed. by 'Arif Ayatkan

Sharh 'Aqidat Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah:
  • Al-Babirti, Akmal al-Din Muhd. ibn Muhd. (712-786 h.)
  • Wizarat al-Awqaf wa al-Shu'un al-Islamiyah(Kuwait)
  • 157p. 古書
  • 1989
  • Islam -- Doctrines شرح عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة تأليف أبو جعفر أحمد بن محمد بن سلامة الطحاوي ؛ شرح أكمل الدين محمد بن محمد البابرتي taʼlīf Abū Jaʻfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Salāmah al-Ṭaḥāwī ; sharḥ Akmal al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Bābirtī



Exegese Coranique et Langage Mystique: nouvel essai sur le lexique technique des mystiques musulmans. (Recherches, Premiere Series 49)

Exegese Coranique et Langage Mystique:
  • Nwyia, Paul
  • Dar al-Mashriq
  • 439p 古書
  • 1991
  • Sufism -- Qurʼan -- Hermeneutics Exégèse coranique et langage mystique : nouvel essai sur le lexique technique des mystiques musulmans/ Paul Nwyia



Persian Literature from Outside Iran: the Indian Subcontinent, Anatolia, Central Asia, and in Judeo-Persian. (A History of Persian Literature, Vol. IX)

Persian Literature from Outside Iran: the Indian Subcontinent, Anatolia, Central Asia, and in Judeo-Persian.
  • Perry, John R. (ed.)
  • I.B. Tauris
  • xxxii,512p
  • 2018
  • Persian literature -- History and criticism The role of Persian, beyond its early habitat of Iran and other Islamic lands, has long been recognized: European scholars first came to Persian via Turkey and British orientalists via India. Yet the universal popularity of poets such as Sa'di and Hâfez of Shiraz and the ultimate rise of Iran to claim the centre of Persian writing and scholarship led to a relative neglect of the Persianate periphery until recently. This volume contributes to the scholarship of the Persianate fringe with the aid of the abundant material (notably in Tajik, Uzbek and Russian) long neglected by Western scholars and the perspectives of a new generation on this complex and important aspect of Persian literature.



Osmanli Belgelerinde Filistin/ Palestine in Ottoman Documents.

Osmanli Belgelerinde Filistin/ Palestine in Ottoman Documents.
  • Ozdemir, H, et al. (haz.)
  • T.C. Basbakanlik
  • 575p facs. photos.
  • 2009
  • Palestine -- History -- 16th-18th centuries -- Sources Osmanlı belgelerinde Filistin Proje yöneticisi: Yusuf Sarınay Includes facsimiles of original documents in Ottoman Turkish



The Legacy of Genghis Khan: courtly art and culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353.

The Legacy of Genghis Khan: courtly art and culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353.
  • Komaroff, Linda & Stefano Carboni (ed.)
  • Yakle U.P.
  • xiv,322p ills. 125 b/w 古書
  • 2002
  • Islamic art -- Ilkhanid art -- Iran -- Exhibitions An exploration of the Ilkhans and their culture, featuring some 200 pieces of art, including manuscript paintings and illuminations, ceramic tiles, metalwork and textiles. Essays by eight scholars provide the historical and political background and address such subjects as religious art.



Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court 1707-1740.

Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court 1707-1740.
  • Chandra, Satish
  • Har-Anand Publications
  • xix,354p
  • 2017 repr.
  • Mogul Empire -- Politics and government -- History This important book provides a new perspective on the decline of the Mughal Empire, departing from the existing appraisement of Aurangzeb, the functioning of the Mughal nobility and the crisis of the jagirdari system repr. of 1959, 6th edition



Sakhtar-e Nehad va Andisheh-ye Dini dar Iran-e 'Asr-e Safavi: tarikh-e tahavvolat-e dini-ye iran dar sadeh-ha-ye dahom ta davazdahom-e hejri-ye qamari.

Sakhtar-e Nehad va Andisheh-ye Dini dar Iran-e 'Asr-e Safavi:
  • Sefatgol, Mansur
  • Rasa Publications
  • 672p.
  • 1389(81)
  • Iran -- History -- Ṣafavid dynasty, 1501-1736 سختار نهاد و انديشه دينى در ايران عصر صفوى : تاريخ تحولات دينى ايران در سده‌هاى دهم تا دوازدهم هجرى قمرى منصور صفت‌گل Sākhtārʹnahād va andīshah-i dīnī dar Īrān-i ʻaṣr-i Ṣafavī : tārīkh-i taḥavvulāt-i dīnī-i Īrān dar sadahʹhā-yi dahum tā davāzdahum-i Hijrī-i qamarī Manṣūr Ṣifatʹgul [Religious institution and thought during the Safavid Iran : The history of the development of the religious structure in Iran 16th-18th century]



Jarayan-ha va Sazman-ha-ye Madhhab - Siyasi-ye Iran: az ru-ye kar amadan-e Mohammad Reda Shah ta piruzi-ye enqelab-e eslami, sal-ha-ye 1320-1357.

Jarayan-ha va Sazman-ha-ye Madhhab - Siyasi-ye Iran:
  • Ja'fareyan, Rasul
  • 'Elm
  • 1184p.
  • 1392(2013)
  • Islam and politics -- Iran -- 20th century جرىانها و سازمانهاى مذهبى سىاسى ايران : از روى کار آمدن محمد رضا شاه تا پىروزى انقلاب اسلامى، سالهاى 1320-1357 رسول جعفرىان Jarayānʹhā va sāzmānʹhā-yi maz̲habī - siyāsī-i Īrān : az rū-yi kār āmadan-i Muḥammad Riz̤ā Shāh tā pīrūzī-i Inqilāb-i Islāmī, sālhā-yi 1320-1357 Rasūl Jaʻfariyān



Sharh-e Hal-e Rejal-e Iran, dar qarn 12, 13, 14 hejri.

Sharh-e Hal-e Rejal-e Iran, dar qarn 12, 13, 14 hejri.
  • Bamdad, Mehdi
  • Entesharat-e Zavvar
  • 6 vols. 古書
  • 1371
  • Iran -- History -- Biography -- Qajar dynasty, 1794-1925 شرح حال رجال ايران در قرن ١٢ و ١٣ و ١٤ هجرى مهدى بامداد Sharḥ-i ḥāl-i rijāl-i Īrān dar qarn-i 12 va 13 va 14 Hijrī nigārish-i, Mahdī Bāmdād [Biographical dictionary of prominent personalities in the history of Iran from 18th to 20th century]



Al-Jins 'inda al-'Arab, nusus mukhtarah, 6: Bustan al-raghibin wa bughyat al-'ajizin 'an al-rahz lil-kaf wa al-sin, wada'a-hu sanat 1322 h.

Al-Jins 'inda al-'Arab, nusus mukhtarah, 6: Bustan al-raghibin wa bughyat al-'ajizin 'an al-rahz lil-kaf wa al-sin,
  • Al-'Adawi, Muhd. Mustafa
  • Manshurat al-Jamal
  • 144p.
  • 2013
  • Sex customs -- Arabs -- Early works to 1800 الجنس عند العرب : نصوص مختارة al-Jins ʻinda al-ʻArab : nuṣūṣ mukhtārah al-juzʼ 6. Bustān al-rāghibīn wa-bughyat al-ʻājizīn ʻan al-rahz lil-kāf wa-al-sīn / wadaʻahu sanat 1322 H Muḥammad Muṣṭafá al-ʻAdawī



Daneshnameh-ye Danesh Gostar: Daneshgostar Encyclopedia

Daneshnameh-ye Danesh Gostar:
  • 'Ali Ramin, Kamran Fani & Mohd. 'Ali Sadat
  • Danesh Gostar
  • 18 vols. ills. photos.
  • 1389(2010)
  • Persian language -- Encyclopaedia دانشنامه دانش گستر علی رامین، کامران فانی، محمد علی سادات Dānishnāmah-ʼi Dānish gustar zīr-i naẓar-i: ʻAlī Rāmīn, Kāmrān Fānī, Muḥammad ʻAlī Sādāt



Farhang-e Nezam, farsi beh farsi, ba risheh-shenasi va talaffoz va vazheh-ha ba khatt-e Avestayi.

Farhang-e Nezam, farsi beh farsi,
  • Mohammad 'Ali Da'i al-Eslam
  • Danesh
  • 5 vols.
  • 1362-64(1983-86) repr. of 1305
  • Persian language -- Dictionaries فرهنگ نظام Farhang-i Niẓām : Fārsī bih Fārsī bā rīshahʹshināsī va talaffuẓ-i vāzhahʹhā bā khaṭṭ-i Avistāyī Muḥammad ʻAlī Dāʻī al-Islām Reprint. Originally published: Ḥaydarābād, Dakan: [1927 or 1928]-1939 古書



Diplomasi ve Dis Politika Arastirmalarinda Arsivlerin Rolu: The role of archives in the studies of diplomacy and foreign policy (international symposium), 7-9 Nisan/April 2016, Istanbul.

Diplomasi ve Dis Politika Arastirmalarinda Arsivlerin Rolu:
  • Celik, Duygu Turker & Asli Akdoganbulut Insan (haz.)
  • Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi
  • xxv,678p ills.
  • 2017
  • Turkey -- Foreign relations -- Archives -- Congresses Diplomasi ve dış politika araştırmalarında arşivlerin rolü uluslararası sempozyumu = The role of archives in the studies of diplomacy and foreign policy (international symposium) : 7-9 Nisan/April 2016, İstanbul/ yayına hazırlayanlar, Duygu Türker Çelik, Aslı Akdoğanbulut İnsan In Turkish with abstracts in English



Gec Donem Osmanli Maliyesinde Police Kullanimi ve Policeci Esnafi.

Gec Donem Osmanli Maliyesinde Police Kullanimi ve Policeci Esnafi.
  • Senyurt, Ali
  • Doğu Kitabevi
  • 348p ills. facs.
  • 2018
  • Public Finance -- Monetary policy -- Turkey -- History Geç dönem Osmanlı maliyesinde poliçe kullanımı ve poliçeci esnafı/ Ali Şenyurt Arap coğrafyasında İslâmiyet’in doğuşundan itibaren süftece olarak bilinen ve kullanılan poliçenin batı dünyasınca keşfi çok daha geç bir döneme rastlamaktadır. Ancak fiziki para taşımasını ortadan kaldırması ve ödemede farklı para birimlerinin kullanımına olanak sağlaması, poliçenin özellikle uzak mesafelere yapılan ticarette tercih edilen bir global ödeme aracı haline gelmesine yol açmıştır.



The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem: a critical and annotative study of the Ottoman text with Arabic translation. (Tapu Defters of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem, 1-6)

The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem:
  • Al-Bakhit, Muhammad Adnan & Noufan Raja al-Sawariyyah (ed. & tr.)
  • Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage
  • 6 vols.
  • 2005-11
  • Jerusalem -- Palestine -- Waqf -- History -- Ottoman empire -- 16th century -- Sources The series of “The Detailed Defter of the Liwāʾ of Noble Jerusalem” , made up of six volumes, is the main and foremost cornerstone in documenting the most important period in the history of the city and its conditions during the Ottoman times. It does so by shedding light on the most important relics and dwellings. The collection methodically surveys the characteristics of the city of Jerusalem describing its streets, neighbourhoods, markets, shops, mosques, schools and walls. This encyclopaedic work also contains a comprehensive and analytical study and a census of the inhabitants, the names of villages and their locations, farm lands, the names of trusts and land owners. The Detailed Defter of the Liwa' of Noble Jerusalem, Tapu Defter: No. 427, T.D.131, T.D.1015,



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