




Al-Ihtiyaj wa al-Muhtajun bi-Tunis al-'asimah fi fatrat al-isti'mar al-Faransi, 1885-1918.

Al-Ihtiyaj wa al-Muhtajun bi-Tunis al-'asimah fi fatrat al-isti'mar al-Faransi,
  • Al-Qusantini, al-Karray
  • Markaz al-Nashr al-Jami'i
  • 432p
  • 1999
  • Tunisia -- Beggars -- Social conditions -- History -- French occupation, 1881-1956 الاحتياج والمحتاجون بتونس العاصمة في فترة الاستعمار الفرنسي، 1918-1885 الكراي القسنطيني ؛ تقديم علي المحجوبي al-Iḥtiyāj wa-al-muḥtājūn bi-Tūnis al-ʻāṣimah fī fatrat al-istiʻmār al-Faransī, 1885-1918 al-Karrāy al-Qusanṭīnī ; taqdīm ʻAlī al-Maḥjūbī



Al-Mu'jam fi ashab al-qadi al-imam abi 'ali al-sadafi.

Al-Mu'jam fi ashab al-qadi al-imam abi 'ali al-sadafi.
  • Ibn al-Abbar, Muhd. ibn 'Abd Allah (1199-1260 m.)
  • Dar Kitab al-'Arabi
  • 336p.
  • 1967
  • Arabs -- Spain -- Biography المعجم في أصحاب القاضي الإمام أبي علي الصدفي تأليف محمد بن عبد الله بن أبي بكر القضائي المعروف بابن الأبار al-Muʻjam fī aṣḥāb al-Qāḍī al-Imām Abī ʻAlī al-Ṣadafī taʼlīf Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Abī Bakr al-Qaḍāʻī al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-Abbār



Qudat Qurtubah (Turath-na, Al-Maktabat al-Andalusiyah, 1)

Qudat Qurtubah
  • Al-Khushani, Muhd. ibn Harith ibn Asad al-Qayrawani (m. 361 h.)
  • al-Dar al-Misriyah
  • 123p
  • 1966
  • Judges (Islamic law) -- Spain -- Córdoba (Province) -- Biography قضاة قرطبة تأليف الخشني أبي عبد الله محمد بن الحارث Quḍāt Qurṭubah taʼlīf al-Khushanī al-Qarawī Abī ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥārith



The Corrupting Sea: a study of Mediterranean history.

The Corrupting Sea: a study of Mediterranean history.
  • Horden, Peregrine & Nicholas Purcell
  • Blackwell
  • xiii,761p 古書
  • 2000
  • Mediterranea Region -- Civilization -- Historiography The Corrupting Sea is a history of the relationship between people and their environments in the Mediterranean region over some 3,000 years. It advocates a novel analysis of this relationship in terms of microecologies and the often extensive networks to which they belong. This is the first major work since Braudel's The Mediterranean to address the problems of studying the area as a whole and on a long time-scale." "The authors emphasize the value of comparison between prehistory, Antiquity and the Middle Ages. They draw on an exceptionally wide range of evidence - literary works, documents, archaeology, scientific reports and social anthropology. Part 1 'Frogs round a Pond': Ideas of the Mediterranean -- Part 2 'Short Distances and Definite Places': Mediterranean Microecologies -- Part 3 Revolution and Catastrophe -- Part 4 The Geography of Religion -- Part 5 'Museums of Man'? The Uses of Social Anthropology.



Saints and Sufi in Modern Egypt: an essay in the sociology of religion. (Oxford Monographs on Social Anthropology)

Saints and Sufi in Modern Egypt: an essay in the sociology of religion.
  • Gilsenan, Michael
  • Clarendon Press
  • 248p 古書
  • 1973
  • Rāḍī, Salāmah, 1866 or 1867-1939 -- Shādhilīyah -- Sufism -- Egypt Saint and founder -- Saint's day -- The structure of the Suf orders -- System and sanction -- Social ethic and recruitment -- Ritual : the dhikr -- Conclusion : the orders in a changing society --



Egypt: Moulids, Saints, Sufis.

Egypt: Moulids, Saints, Sufis.
  • Biegman, Nicolaas
  • Kegan Paul Int'l
  • 175p photos. 古書
  • 1990
  • Fasts and feasts -- Sufism -- Egypt -- Pictorial works Biegman, until recently ambassador of the Netherlands in Egypt, frequented the moulids (religious fairs) in Cairo over a number of years, talking to their denizens: the sellers of sweets and tea, magicians and singers, and especially the sufis, who perform the devotions at the heart of the moulid. He has illustrated their stories with equally fascinating and colorful photographs, and has added a text on the moulid and its meanings.



Mawsu'at al-Tatarruf: siyar wa afkar shakhsiyat al-Qa'idah wa al-Salafiyah wa Da'ish fi al-mintaqah wa al-'alam, Majmu'ah min al-bahithin.

Mawsu'at al-Tatarruf:
  • 'Abd al-Husayn, Yasin (ed.)
  • Dar al-Rafidayn
  • 3 vols. photos.
  • 2017
  • Qaida (Organization) -- IS -- Biography ‏موسوعة التطرف :‏ ‏سير وأفكار شخصيات القاعدة والسلفية وداعش في المنطقة والعالم‏ مجموعة من الباحثين ؛ رئيس التحرير ياسر عبد الحسين Mawsūʻat al-taṭarruf : siyar wa-afkār shakhṣīyāt al-Qāʻidah wa-al-Salafīyah wa-Dāʻish fī al-minṭaqah wa-al-ʻālam majmūʻah min al-bāḥithīn ; raʼīs al-taḥrīr Yāsir ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn [Extremism Encyclopedia]



Instability in the Middle East: structural changes and uneven modernisation 1950-2015.

Instability in the Middle East: structural changes and uneven modernisation 1950-2015.
  • Cerny, Karel
  • Karolinum Press/ Charles Univ.
  • 476p
  • 2017
  • Political stability -- Social change -- Middle East -- 1945- Instability in the Middle East : structural changes and uneven modernisation 1950-2015/ Karel Černý Middle Eastern instability is manifest externally in many ways: by crises afflicting governing regimes, the rise of political Islam, terrorism, revolution, civil war, increased migration, and the collapse of many states. This book examines the roots of this instability using a theoretically original and empirically supported historical-sociological comparative analysis.



Nuzhat al-Anam fi Mahasin al-Sham.

Nuzhat al-Anam fi Mahasin al-Sham.
  • Al-Badri, Abi al-Baqa' 'Abd Allah
  • Dar al-Ra'id al-'Arabi
  • 232p 古書
  • 1980
  • Syria -- Description and travel -- History نزهة الأنام في محاسن الشام البدري عبد الله تأليف Nuzhat al-anām fī maḥāsin al-Shām Abī al-Baqā' 'Abd Allah al-Badarī



The Long Divergence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East.

The Long Divergence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East.
  • Kuran, Timur
  • Princeton U.P.
  • xvi,405p
  • 2013(11)
  • Islamic law -- Economic aspects -- Economic development -- Religious aspects -- History In the year 1000, the economy of the Middle East was at least as advanced as that of Europe. But by 1800, the region had fallen dramatically behind--in living standards, technology, and economic institutions. In short, the Middle East had failed to modernize economically as the West surged ahead. What caused this long divergence? And why does the Middle East remain drastically underdeveloped compared to the West? In The Long Divergence, one of the world's leading experts on Islamic economic institutions and the economy of the Middle East provides a new answer to these long-debated questions.



Tadhkereh-ye Ruz-e Raushan. ed. by Mohd. Hosayn Rokn'zadeh Adamiyat

Tadhkereh-ye Ruz-e Raushan.
  • Mohammad Mozaffar Hosayn Saba
  • Ketabkhaneh-ye Razi
  • 976p. 古書
  • 1343
  • Persian Poets — Persian Poetry -- Biography تذكرۀ روز روشن تاليف محمد مظفر حسين صبا ؛ بتصحيح و تحشيۀ محمد حسين ركن‌زاده آدميت Taz̲kirah-ʼi rūz-i rawshan tālīf-i Muḥammad Muẓaffar Ḥusayn Ṣabā ; bi-taṣḥīḥ va-taḥshīyah-ʼi Muḥammad Ḥusayn Ruknʹzādah Ādamīyat



Tarikh-e Tadhkereh-ha-ye Farsi.

Tarikh-e Tadhkereh-ha-ye Farsi.
  • Ma'ani, Ahmad Golchin
  • Sana'i
  • 2 vols. 古書
  • 1363
  • Persian literature -- Poetry -- History and criticism -- Bio-bibliography ‏تاريخ تذكره‌هاى فارسى ‏تاليف أحمد گلچين معانى Tārīkh-i taz̲kirahʹhā-yi Fārsī taʼlīf-i Aḥmad Gulchīn-i Maʻānī



Madares-e Nezamiyeh va Ta'thirat-e 'Elmi va Ejtema'i-ye An.

Madares-e Nezamiyeh va Ta'thirat-e 'Elmi va Ejtema'i-ye An.
  • Kassa'i, Nur Allah
  • Amir Kabir
  • 347p 古書
  • 1374(1995)
  • Islamic empire -- Education مدارس نظاميه و تأثيرات علمى و اجتماعى آن تأليف نور الله كسائى Madāris-i Niẓāmīyah va taʼs̲īrāt-i ʻilmī va ijtimāʻī-i ān taʼlīf-i Nūr Allāh Kasāʼī [Nizamyyah schools and their scientific and social effects] Historical and socio-cultural study of the beginning of religious schools in Baghdad, Iraq during 11th century



India's Interaction with China, Central and West Asia. (History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. III Part 2)

India's Interaction with China, Central and West Asia.
  • Rahman, A. (ed.)
  • Oxford U.P.(India)
  • xxx,533p. 古書
  • 2002
  • The contributors to this volume include distinguished scholars from a range of disciplines, and the essays are thematically linked by the focus on the historical exchange of ideas and experience among the peoples of India, China, Central and West Asia. Aspects of culture as diverse as styles of dressing, music, metallurgy, and medicine are woven together in this volume, to present the rich tapestry that is Asia.



Risale-i Nur Kulliyatından

Risale-i Nur Kulliyatından
  • Said Nursî, Bediüzzaman
  • Yeni Asya Neşriyat
  • 14 vols.
  • 2003-03
  • Nursi, Said, 1873-1960 -- Islam -- Turkey Risâle-i Nur Külliyatından: Sözler, Mektubât, Lema'lar, Şuâlar, Mesnevî-i Nûriye, İşârâtü'l-İ'câz, Asâ-yi Mûsâ, Barla Lâhikası, Kastamonu lâhikası, Emirdağ Lâhikası, Sikke-i Tasdîk-i Gaybî, Tarihmce-ı Hayat, Îman va Küfür Muvâzeneleri, Muhâkemât.



Sultan II. Bayezit'in Siyasi Hayati. (TTK IV/A-2-2.1. dizi-Sa. 36)

Sultan II. Bayezit'in Siyasi Hayati.
  • Tansel, Selahattin
  • TTK
  • viii,369p facs.
  • 2017(1996)
  • Turkey -- History -- Bayezid II, 1481-1512 Sultan II. Bâyezit'in siyasî hayatı Selâhattin Tansel; Atatürk Kültür, Dil, ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu (Turkey) Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2017(1966), IV/A-2.2.1. dizi ;, sayı 36



Sharh-e Zendegani-ye Man ya tarikh-e ejtema'i va edari-ye doureh-ye qajariyeh.

Sharh-e Zendegani-ye Man ya tarikh-e ejtema'i va edari-ye doureh-ye qajariyeh.
  • Mostoufi, 'Abdollah
  • Zavvar
  • 3 vols.
  • 1377 repr.
  • Iran -- History -- Qajar dynasty, 1794-1925 شرح زندگانى من، يا، تاريخ اجتماعى و ادارى دورۀ قاجاريه نويسنده عبد الله مستوفى Sharḥ-i zindigānī-i man, yā, Tārīkh-i ijtimāʻī va idārī-i dawrah-ʼi Qājārīyah nivīsandah ʻAbd Allāh Mustawfī jild 1. Az Āqā Muḥammad Khān tā ākhar-i Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh -- jild 2. Az salṭanat-i Muẓaffar al-Dīn Shāh tā qarārdād-i Vus̲ūq al-Dawlah bā Ingilīs -- jild 3. Az kābīnah-ʼi qarārdād-i Vus̲ūq al-Dawlah tā ākhar-i Majlis-i Muʼassisān



Shi'i Islam: an introduction. (Introduction to Religion)

Shi'i Islam: an introduction.
  • Haider, Najam
  • Cambridge U.P.(India)
  • xvi,276p maps
  • 2016(14)
  • Islam -- Shīʻah -- History This book examines the development of Shi'i Islam through the lenses of belief, narrative, and memory. In an accessible yet nuanced manner, it conceives of Shi'ism as a historical project undertaken by a segment of the early Muslim community that felt dispossessed.



Editing Islamic Manuscripts on Social Sciences and Humanities. (English edition) Tahqiq al-makhtutat al-islamiyah fi majal al-'ulum al-insaniyah wa al-ijtima'iyah (Conference Series)

Editing Islamic Manuscripts on Social Sciences and Humanities. (English edition)
  • Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
  • Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
  • 444p
  • 2017
  • Manuscripts, Arabic -- Editing -- Congresses The lectures in this book include in-depth discussions revolving around defining the concept of editing manuscripts, and specifying the relevant approaches in the discipline of humanities, as well as the technologies available for resurrecting and restoring lost texts. Some studies discussed the importance of codicology and its fine practical applications that are a critical aid to the editor, while providing a model for the codicological treatment of Arabic and Syriac philosophical manuscripts. The reader will find revelations regarding new facts in this area, such as the finding that there is no disparity between Ibn Khaldūn’s reasoning in the Muqadimmah, and his reasoning in al-ʿIbbar, based on different interpretations of possible meanings of the text. The majority of studies were concerned with reviewing the editing practice in many areas of the Islamic heritage, such as theology and Sufism. Some gave reasons for revising editions of previously published manuscripts in geography and Sufism, such as Muʿjam mā istaʿjam, and al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyyah, etc., while other studies presented surveys of the practice of critical editing of manuscripts around the world, such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina.



The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909.

The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909.
  • Browne, Edward G.
  • Frank Cass
  • xxvi,470p photos.
  • 1966 repr.(1910)
  • Iran -- Politics and government -- History -- 1905-1911 古書(書込少アリ)



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