Mevlid külliyatı. 2 baskı (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları ; 1251. Mesleki eserler ; 34)
- Bilal Kemikli & Mehmet Akkuş (ed.)
- Diyanet Isleri Baskanlig.
- 3 vols.
- 2016
- Mawlid al-Nabī -- Poetry -- Sufi poetry -- Turkish poetry -- Muḥammad, Prophet 1. Süleyman Çelebi Vesîletü'n-Necât ve tercümeleri / editör: Prof. Dr. Bilal Kemikli 2. Klasik dönem / editör: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akkuş 3. Tanzimat'tan günümüze / editör: Prof. Dr. Bilal Kemikli
Yunus Emre, and His Mysticsl Poetry. (Turkish and Ottoman Studies: history, society and culture, 3)
- Halman, Talat Sait (ed.)
- Koç Üniversitesi
- 223p
- 2023(1981)
- Yunus Emre, -1320? -- Poetry -- Criticism and interpretation essays by İlhan Başgöz, Mehmet Kaplan, A. Schimmel, Andreas Tietze & John R. Walsh 1st published in 1981 by Indiana University
Bedayiü'l-Bidaye. (inceleme - tenkitli metin - tipkibasim). haz. Vahit Türk & Jabbor Eshonkul (Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Baskanlii, 214)
- Ali Şîr Nevâyî (ö. 1501)
- Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu
- 633p+430p(facs.)
- 2023
- Ali Şîr Nevâyî -- Bedâyi‘ü’l-Bidâye -- Çağatay Türkçesi -- Literature Bedâyiü'l-Bidâye. (İnceleme - Tenkitli Metin - Tıpkıbasım) / Ali Şîr Nevâyî, haz. Vahit Türk - Jabbor Eshonkul Nevâî şiirlerini ilk defa Hüseyin Baykara'nın tahta geçmesinden sonra, yani 1470-1476 yılları arasında bizzat onun isteği üzerine tertip etmiş ve böylece ilk divanı olan Bedâyiu'l-Bidâye ortaya çıkmıştırı Çağatay Türkçes
Masarat Jabaliyah Nahwa Lubnan al-Kabir, 1584-1920. (Mi'awiyah Lubnan al-Kabir, 2)
- al-Najjar, Sharbil Sam'an
- Dar Sa'ir al-Mashriq
- 301p facs.
- 2020
- Lebanon -- History مسارات جبليةّ نحو لبنان الكبير، 1584-1920 شربل سمعان النجاّر Masārāt jabalīyah naḥwa Lubnān al-Kabīr, 1584-1920 Sharbil Samʻān al-Najjār
Lubnan bayna al-Dusturayn 1876-1908 (al-Dirasah al-Tarikhiyah)
- Ziyadah, Khalid, et al
- Dar Sa'ir al-Mashriq
- 381p
- 2020
- Turks -- Lebanon -- Politics and government -- History -- Conference لبنان بين الدستورين، 1876-1908 المشاركون خالد زيادة [وخمسة عشر آخرون Lubnān bayna al-dustūrayn, 1876-1908 al-mushārikūn Khālid Ziyādah [and fifteen others]
Société civile et communauté religieuse : expérience culturelle d'un village chrétien dans la société arabe contemporaine. (Coll. Hommes et Societes du Proche-Orient)
- Benedicty, Robert
- Dar El Machreq
- 717p
- (1995)
- 'Akkār, Lebanon -- Maronites -- Villages
Tripoli, une Ville dans la Marege: Luttes et quete de justice. (Les Cahiers de l'IFPO, 14)
- Kortam, Mare
- 175p
- 2024
- Social condition -- Urban sociology -- Tripoli (Lebanon) Tripoli, une ville dans la marge. Luttes et quête de justice / Marie Kortam « Aucune théorie ne permettra de comprendre le Liban » : c’est ce mythe que l’auteure entend déconstruire. En combinant théories sociologiques et anthropologiques avec une ethnographie engagée minutieuse, elle aborde le malaise d’une ville, Tripoli, et au-delà, celui d’un pays. Face aux conflits incessants, face aux politiques néolibérales imposées à la ville et face aux élites, sous quelles formes se traduit la lutte par le bas contre l’absence de politiques publiques ? La question des marginalités et des inégalités est d’abord étudiée en se focalisant sur Bab al-Tebbaneh et Jabal Mohsen – deux quartiers respectivement sunnite et alaouite –, et les pratiques spatiales particulières qui y ont cours : limitations des déplacements et appropriation communautaire de l’espace public. L’étude s’ouvre ensuite de l’échelle locale à l’échelle nationale, et fournit pour conclure un cadre d’analyse des injustices au Liban. Ainsi Tripoli, ville à la marge, devient ville-miroir du pays, révélant les mécanismes inégalitaires et les ripostes qu’ils suscitent.
La Culture et ses Dependances: les Productions culturelles et leurs circulations au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient.
- Benchenna, Abdelfettah & Dominique Marchetti (dir.)
- IFPO/ Ctr. Jacques-Berque
- 280p photos.
- 2022
- Culture and globalization -- North Africa -- Middle East La culture et ses dépendances : les productions culturelles et leurs circulations au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient / Abdelfettah Benchenna, Dominique Marchetti En dépit de leur importance, les productions culturelles dans les pays du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord restent encore relativement peu traitées par les chercheurs en sciences sociales travaillant sur cette zone. Cet ouvrage tente modestement de combler cette lacune en rassemblant des enquêtes de terrain portant sur quelques processus contemporains de production et de circulation des biens culturels depuis, entre et vers les pays du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord.
Introduction a l'afrique du nord contemporaine (Collection "Connaissance du monde arabe")
- Ruf, W.K., M. Cherif, H. Mensching et al
- 449p 古書
- 1975
- Africa, North -- Politics and government -- Décolonisation Introduction a l'afrique du nord contemporaine / Centre de recherches et d'études sur les sociétés méditerranéennes (directions)
England in Egypt.
- Milner, Alfred Milner, Viscount, 1854-1925
- Edrard Arnold
- vi,429p 古書
- 1926(1892)
- Egypt -- History -- British occupation, 1882-1936 13th Edition, 2nd Impression (1926) Appendix I. - Egypt in 1894 Appendix II - Egypt in 1898. by Sir Clonton Dawkins Appendix III - Egypt in 1904. by Sir Elson Gorst
The Persian Gulf: an historical sketch from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century
- Wilson, Arnold T.
- George Allen & Unwin
- xi,313p maps 古書
- 1959(28)
- Middle East -- Persian Gulf -- History The Persian Gulf. An Historical Sketch from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century is a concise history of the region. Wilson begins with the writings of Greek, Roman, and Muslim geographers, followed by chapters on the arrival of European powers, beginning with the Portuguese, the British, and the Dutch. A later chapter discusses the growth of the British influence, starting in the 18th century. Other topics covered in the book are piracy, the slave trade, and the growth of Arab principalities.
Ma ba'da al-Naft: tahaddiyat al-baqa' fi duwal al-khalij al-'Arabiyah.
- al-Qassab, Mirza Hasan
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 288p
- 2021
- Persian Gulf states -- Petroleum industry and trade -- Economic history ما بعد النفط : تحديات البقاء في دول الخليج العربية ميرزا حسن القصاب. Mā baʻda al-nafṭ : taḥaddiyāt al-baqāʼ fī duwal al-khalīj al-ʻArabīyah Mīrzā Ḥasan al-Qaṣṣāb [Life after Oil: the survival predicament of the Gulf Arab States]
al-Awsaj: Sirah wa Dhikrayat. (1) Awwdāʻ Qatar wa-ahwāl ahlihā 1953-1974 = Conditions of Qatar and its people, 1953-1974, (2) al-Naft wa-mā addrāk mā al-naft 1974-1980 = Oil, 1974-1980, (3)ʻŪd ʻAlá badʼ 1983-1992 = Al
- al-Kuwali, 'Ali Khalifah
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 3 vols.
- 2022(15-17)
- Qatar -- Political activists -- Biography العوسج : سيرة وذكريات علي خليفة الكوار al-ʻAwsaj : sīrah wa-dhikrayāt ʻAlī Khalīfah al-Kuwārī [Al-'Awsaj: Vol. 1: Conditions of Qatar and the its people, 1953-1974, Vol. 2: Oil, 1974-1980, Vol. 3: All over again, 1983-1992]
al-Harakat al-Ijtima'iyah wa al-Ahzab al-Siyasiyah: al-islam al-siyasi fi Misr wa Tunis wa al-Maghribi.
- Bashandi, Muhd. Ramadan
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 368p
- 2023
- Islam and politics -- Political parties -- Egypt -- Tunis -- Morocco -- History الحركات الاجتماعية والأحزاب السياسية : الإسلام السياسي في مصر وتونس والمغرب محمد رمضان بشندي al-Ḥarakāt al-ijtimāʻīyah wa-al-aḥzāb al-siyāsīyah : al-Islām al-siyāsī fī Miṣr wa-Tūnis wa-al-Maghrib Muḥammad Ramaḍān Bashandī [Social Movements and Political Islam in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco]
al-Sultah al-Siyasiyah wa al-I'lam fi al-Watan al-'Arabi
- al-Zahrami, Ahmad Qurran
- Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-'Arabiyah
- 304p
- 2022(15)
- Mass media -- Political aspects -- Arab countries -- Saudi Arabia -- Press and government السلطة السياسية والاعلام في الوطن العربي احمد قران الزهراني al-Sulṭah al-siyāsīyah wa-al-iʻlām fī al-waṭan al-ʻArabī Aḥmad Qurrān al-Zahrānī [Political Power and Media in the Arab World]
Conflict Mediation in the Arab World. (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)
- Fraihat, Ibrahim & Isak Svensson (ed.)
- Syracuse U.P.
- xv,463p pap.
- 2023
- Conflict management -- Mediation -- Middle East -- North Africa The Middle East and North Africa region has been plagued with civil wars, international interventions, and increasing militarization, making it one of the most war-affected areas in the world today. Despite numerous mediation processes and initiatives for conflict resolution, most have failed to transform conflicts from war to peace. In applying this holistic method, the editors identify similarities and differences in the conditions for conflict resolution and management. Drawing upon the work of experts in the field with a deep understanding of the increasing complexities and changing dynamics of the region, this volume offers a valuable resource for academics, policy makers, and practitioners interested in conflict resolution and management in the Middle East and North Africa.
The Caliphate of Man: popular sovereignty in modern Islamic thought.
- March, Andrew F.
- Harvard U.P.
- xxii,300p
- 2019
- Caliphate -- Fundamentalism -- Islam and politics This began with the claim of divine sovereignty, the demand to restore the sharīʿa in modern societies. But prominent theorists of political Islam also advanced another principle, the Quranic notion that God’s authority on earth rests not with sultans or with scholars’ interpretation of written law but with the entirety of the Muslim people, the umma. Drawing on this argument, utopian theorists such as Abū’l-Aʿlā Mawdūdī and Sayyid Quṭb released into the intellectual bloodstream the doctrine of the caliphate of man: while God is sovereign, He has appointed the multitude of believers as His vicegerent. The Caliphate of Man argues that the doctrine of the universal human caliphate underpins a specific democratic theory, a kind of Islamic republic of virtue in which the people have authority over the government and religious leaders. But is this an ideal regime destined to survive only as theory?
Informal Politics in the Middle East. (Georgetown U., Ctr. for International and Regional Studies, School of Foreign Service in Qatar)
- Mirgani, Suzi (ed.)
- Hurst
- xii,282p photos. Pap.
- 2021
- Informational works -- Political culture -- Middle East The culture of politics within any system of governance is influenced by how state and society interact, and how these relationships are mediated by existing political institutions, whether formal or informal. The chapters in this volume highlight two broad types of informal political engagement in the Middle East: civil action that works in tandem with the state apparatus, and civil action that poses a challenge to the state. In both cases, these activities can and do achieve tangible results for particular groups of people, as well as for the state.
The Crime of Writing: narratives and shared meanings in criminal cases in Baathist Syria. (IFPO, CP38)
- Ghazzal, Zouhair
- 572p photos.
- 2015
- Islamic law -- Crime -- Syria -- Sociology -- 1990- This book gives a unique portrait of Syrian society through the workings of its criminal records in the three decades prior to outbreak of the civil war in 2011. Based on actual crime files from Aleppo and Idlib, in addition to extensive interviews with criminal detaineers, lawyer, judges, and court experts, this study manages an in-depth account of Syria under the Baathist rule of the two Asad regimes.
The Israeli Economy: a story of success and costs. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)
- Zeira, Joseph
- Princeton U.P.
- xx,378p maps
- 2021
- Israel -- Arab-Israeli conflict -- Economic aspects In 1922, there were ninety thousand Jews in Palestine, a small country in a poor and volatile region. In the twenty-first century, Israel has a population of nine million and is one of the richest countries in the world. The author tells the story of this remarkable transformation, shedding critical light on Israel's rapid economic growth. The author takes readers from those early days to the 2000s, describing how Israel's economic development occurred amid intense fighting with the Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries. He reveals how the new state's astonishing growth continued into the early 1970s, and traces this growth to public investment in education and to large foreign transfers.