

The Memoirs of Shah Tahmasp I: Safavid ruler of Iran. translation with an introduction and commentary.

The Memoirs of Shah Tahmasp I: Safavid ruler of Iran. translation with an introduction and commentary.
  • Peacock, A.C.S. (tr.)
  • Bloomsbury (I.B. Tauris)
  • ix,169p.
  • 2024
  • Iran -- Safavid dsynasty -- Ṭahmāsp I, Shah of Iran, 1514-1576 -- History A remarkable first-person narrative by a sixteenth century Iranian ruler, the Memoirs of the Safavid Shah Tahmasp (1514-1576), originally written in Persian, represent a vitally important primary source for the history of the Middle East in the period. They shed light on the Safavid conflict with the Uzbeks and Ottomans, which played a decisive role in shaping the modern frontiers of the region. The Memoirs also represent an invaluable source for the internal political and religious life of the Safavid court, and the ways in which Shah Tahmasp, one of the most important rulers in Iranian history, wished to be remembered and viewed. This first English translation is furnished with an extensive introduction and notes that situate the work in its literary and historical context.



Ganjineh-ye Mandegar: negahi beh farhang-e ravayi dar gusheh'i az rusta-ha-ye markazi-ye Iran

Ganjineh-ye Mandegar: negahi beh farhang-e ravayi dar gusheh'i az rusta-ha-ye markazi-ye Iran
  • Ja'fari, Nasrollah, Hossayn Jaberi-neya & Sa'id Ja'fari-Moqaddam
  • Enteshārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Tehrān
  • 166p photos.
  • 1399
  • Isfahān -- Social life and customs -- History گنجینه ماندگار : نگاهی به فرهنگ روایی در گوشه‌ای از روستاهای مرکز ایران بازگویی و نگارش نصرالله جعفری، حسین جابری نیا Ganjīnah-i māndigār : nigāhī bih farhang ravāyī dar gūshahʹī az rūstāʹhā-yi markazī Īrān bāzgūyī va nigārish Naṣr Allāh Jaʻfarī, Ḥusayn Jābirīʹniyā [Everlasting Treasures: a view to the narrative culture in distant villages of Iran]



Divan-i Mezalim: islam tarihinde yüksek Yargi ve denetim Kurumu, inceleme, tahkik ve tercüme, Habibullah Habib

Divan-i Mezalim: islam tarihinde yüksek Yargi ve denetim Kurumu,
  • Celaleddin Devvani
  • Marmara Üniv. İlahiyat Fakültesi Vakfı
  • 83p.
  • 2022
  • Justice, Administration of (Islamic law) -- Courts of last resort Divanı Mezalim İslam Tarihinde Yüksek Yargı ve Denetim Kurumu / inceleme, tahkik ver tercüme Habibullah Habib Persian texts with Turkish translation İslam tarihinde kaza fonksiyonu, genel olarak kadıların yönettikleri şer‘î mahkemeler tarafından ifa edilmiştir. Bu mahkemelerle beraber kamu düzeni-nin ayakta tutulması için başka kurumların da tesisine ve bunların özel yetki ile kaza fonksiyonunu yerine getirmelerine ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Bu kurumlardan biri de bizzat devlet başkanının veyahut devlet başkanı tarafından atanan yüksek hâkimler tarafından yönetilen Mezâlim Mahkemesi’dir. Bu mahkeme, devletin yetkili idarecileri, şehir ve dağ eşkıyaları ve teröristler gibi zalim kimselerin yaptıkları haksızlıklara, zulüm vakalarına bakan yüksek yargı ve özel yetkili mahkemenin İslam tarihindeki ilk versiyonudur.



Menakib-i Ibrahim-i Gülseni, ve Semleli-zade Ahmed Efendi Sive-i Tarikat-e Gülseniye. yayin. Tahsin Yazici (T. T. K. III. dizi ; sa. 9)

Menakib-i Ibrahim-i Gülseni, ve Semleli-zade Ahmed Efendi Sive-i Tarikat-e Gülseniye.
  • Muhyi-yi Güulseni
  • TTK
  • lxxi,570p.(per.)
  • 1982
  • İbrahim Gülşenı̂ d. 1534 -- Dervishes—Biography Menâkib-i İbrâhîm Gülşenî / Muhyî-yi Gülşenî ; ve Şemleli-zâde Ahmed Efendi : Şîve-i Tarîkat-i Gülşenîye ; yayınlayan Tahsin Yazıcı.



Kürtler, PKK ve Abdullah Öcalan

Kürtler, PKK ve Abdullah Öcalan
  • Ersever, Ahmet Cem
  • Ocak Yayınları
  • 188p.
  • 1998
  • Kurds --Turkey -- Politics and government -- Öcalan, Abdullah Kürtler, PKK ve Abdullah Öcalan / Ahmet Cem Ersever



Dersim ve Kürt Milli Mücadelesine Dair Hatıratım. haz. Mehmet Bayrak

Dersim ve Kürt Milli Mücadelesine Dair Hatıratım.
  • Dersimi, M. Nuri
  • Öz-Ge Yayınları
  • 284p.+ photos
  • 1992(87)
  • Kurds -- Turkey -- Ethnic relations -- History Dersim ve Kürt Milli Mücadelesine dair hatıratım / Nuri Dersimi, (haz.) Mehmet Bayrak



Doza Kurdistan (Kürdistan Davas.i): Kürt milletinin 60 yillik esarettin kurtulus savasi hatiralar.

Doza Kurdistan (Kürdistan Davas.i): Kürt milletinin 60 yillik esarettin kurtulus savasi hatiralar.
  • Cemil Pasa, Kadri (Zinar Silopi)
  • Öz-Ge Yayınları
  • 260p+ photos.
  • 1991(612)
  • Kurds -- Kadri Cemil Paşa -- Ethnic relations -- Turkey -- History -- 20th century Doza Kurdistan = Kürdistan davası : Kürt milletinin 60 seneden beri esaretten kurtuluş savaşı hatıratı / Kadri Cemil Paşa



Kürt Edebiyatına Gris̨

Kürt Edebiyatına Gris̨
  • Uzun, Mehmed
  • Berge Yayıncılık
  • 101p.
  • 1999(92)
  • Kurdish literature -- History and criticism Kürt edebiyatına giris̨ / Mehmed Uzun



Kürt Tarihi ve Uygarlıgı

Kürt Tarihi ve Uygarlıgı
  • Bender, Cemşid
  • Kaynak
  • 320p.
  • 1995(91)
  • Kurdes -- Culture -- Religion -- Bektāshi Kürt tarihi ve uygarlığı / Cemşid Bender



II. Abdülhamid ve Islam Birligi: Osmanli devleti'nin siyaseti 1856-1908

II. Abdülhamid ve Islam Birligi: Osmanli devleti'nin siyaseti 1856-1908
  • Eraslan, Cezmi
  • Ötüken Neşriyat
  • 464p.
  • 1992
  • Abdulhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1842-1918 -- Panislamism -- Turkey II. Abdülhamid ve İslâm birliği : Osmanlı devleti'nin İslâm siyaseti, 1856-1908 / Cezmi Eraslan



Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda Çalisma Iliskileri: 1850-1920: Türkiye çalisma illiskileri tarihi.

Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda Çalisma Iliskileri: 1850-1920: Türkiye çalisma illiskileri tarihi.
  • Makal, Ahmet
  • İmge Kitabevi
  • 344p. 古書
  • 1997
  • Turkey -- Economic conditions -- History Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda çalışma ilişkileri, 1850-1920 : Türkiye çalışma ilişkileri tarihi / Ahmet Makal



The Making of the Artist in Late Timurid Painting (Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art)

The Making of the Artist in Late Timurid Painting
  • Balafrej, Lamia
  • Edinburgh U.P.
  • xv,260p. 74 color illus. Pap.
  • 2024(19)
  • Miniature painting -- Timurid --Themes -- motives Islamic illumination of books and manuscripts Introduction: Painting about Painting 1. Pictorial Preface 2. Writing on the Image 3. Potential World 4. Calligraphic Line 5. Wondrous Signature Epilogue: Manuscripts in Motion Bibliography



Fehrest-e Maudu'i-ye Safar-nameh-ha-ye Marbut beh Iran (Majmu'eh-ye Safar-nameh, 1)

Fehrest-e Maudu'i-ye Safar-nameh-ha-ye Marbut beh Iran
  • Rif'ati, Humayun
  • Daneshgah-ye Bu-'Ali Sina
  • 284p. 古書
  • 1368
  • Iran -- Description and travel -- Bibliography Fihrist-i mawz̤ūʻī-i safarʹnāmahʹhā-yi marbūṭ bih Īrān Humāyūn Rifʻatī



Tarikh-e Pasandideh, tahriri az Zafar-nameh-ye Yazdi.

Tarikh-e Pasandideh, tahriri az Zafar-nameh-ye Yazdi.
  • Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi
  • Asatir
  • 2 vols.
  • 1390 repr.
  • Iran -- Central Asia -- Timurids -- History -- Early works to 1800 تارىخ پسندىده : تحرىرى از ظفرنامۀ ىزدى شرف الدىن على ىزدى. محرر روح الله منشى ؛ به اهتمام جمشىد کىان‌فر Tārīkh-i pasandīdah : taḥrīrī az Ẓafarnāmah-ʼi Yazdī



IIki Dünya Savası Arasında Romanya'daki Türk-Tatar Toplumu ve Türkiye'ye Göçler (TTK, IV/A-2-3.5 Dizi-Sayı: 8)

IIki Dünya Savası Arasında Romanya'daki Türk-Tatar Toplumu ve Türkiye'ye Göçler
  • Omer, Metin
  • Türk Tarih Kurumu
  • xv,388p.
  • 2023
  • Tatars Romania -- Emigration and immigration -- History -- 20th century İki Dünya Savaşı Arasında Romanya'daki Türk-Tatar Toplumu ve Türkiye'ye Göçler / Metin Ömer



The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria, 1878-1908 (T.T.K. VII. Dizi-Sa. 165)

The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria, 1878-1908
  • Turan, Ömer
  • Türk Tarih Kurumu
  • xi,350p.+21p.(appendixes)
  • 1998
  • Bulgaria -- Turks -- Muslims -- History 1878-1908 This paper focuses on the development of national identity and the formation of political organizations in the Turkish minority in the early years of the formation of the Bulgarian state from 1878 to 1908.



Migration and Turkey : changing human geography

Migration and Turkey : changing human geography
  • Sert, Deniz Şenol & Deniz Karcı Korfalı
  • Isis Press
  • 343p. illus. maps
  • 2014
  • Turkey -- Migration, Internal -- Emigration and immigration Part I. Internal Migratory Movements in Turkey 1. Rural-to-Urban Migration in Turkey during the Past Thirty-Five Years : 1965-2000 / by Ayşe Gedik 2. Conditions of Internal Migration and Comtemporary Industrial Relations in Turkey / by Utku Balaban 3. Migrants as Entrepreneurs : Rethinking Migration, State and Entrepreneurship in the Neo-liberal Era / by Ayşe Seda Yüksel Part II. International Migration and Cosmopolitanism 4. The Migrated Archives during the Population Exchange / by A. Nükhet Adıyeke 5. Cosmopolitanism, city Identity and Disconcerted Displacement : The Rum Orthodox Community of Istanbul and Athens / by İlay Romain Örs 6. The Identity of Thessalonica and Crete Immigrants inIzmir and Its Reflections on Izmir Culture / by Orhan Tekelioğlu 7. From National Territory to Supranatonal Real Property? Territorial Effects of Foreign Retirement Migration in Turkey / by Sezgi Durgun



The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: from the seventh to the twelfth century. (Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture)

The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: from the seventh to the twelfth century.
  • Lev, Yaacov
  • Edinburgh U.P.
  • vii,301p photos. pap.
  • 2021(20)
  • Justice, Administration of -- Egypt -- History Explores how Muslim law governed the life of the individuals and the conduct of society in medieval Egypt. This book shows how political and administrative forces shaped the way justice was applied in medieval Egypt. It introduces the model that evolved during the 7th to the 9th centuries, which involved 4 judicial institutions: the cadi, the court of complaint (mazalim), the police/shurta (responsible for criminal justice) and the Islamized market law (hisba) administrated by the market supervisor/muhtasib.



Islamisation: comparative perspectives from history.

Islamisation: comparative perspectives from history.
  • Peacock, A.C.S. (ed.)
  • Edinburgh U.P.
  • xiv,530p maps, ills.
  • 2017
  • Examines Islamisation as both a cultural and religious phenomenon The spread of Islam and the process of Islamisation (meaning both conversion to Islam and the adoption of Muslim culture) is explored in the twenty-four chapters of this volume. Taking a comparative perspective, both the historical trajectory of Islamisation and the methodological problems in its study are addressed, with coverage moving from Africa to China and from the seventh century to the start of the colonial period in 1800.



Writing Egypt: al-Maqrizi and his historical project.

Writing Egypt: al-Maqrizi and his historical project.
  • Rabbat, Nasser
  • Edinburgh U.P.
  • xiii,337p Pap.
  • 2023
  • Maqrīzī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī, 1364-1442 -- Historiography -- Egypt -- History -- To 1500 Although al-Maqrizi is recognised as the most influential historian of pre-modern Egypt, he has never received the probing historical treatment warranted by his standing and scholarly output. This book fills that gap. Arranged in three sections, it tells al-Maqrizi's life story in the first, weaves it with historiographical, textual and methodological analysis of his oeuvre in the second, and reconstructs the afterlife of the author and his work down to the present in the third part.



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